Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Opposition Inc. Returns To Indie Roots

If we were in chamber and I had heard the Plan of Action in person, I'd jolt to my feet and give it a standing round of applause because this truly speaks volumes about an organization I believed to be nothing more than Unite with different colors. The Action Party proposes some very interesting ideas:

  • Allow all interested freshmen to participate in the Freshman Leadership Council by eliminating the selections process. (A)

  • Include Cabinet directors in Student Government outreach events and tabling to solicit students’ suggestions for programming. (B)

  • Start a “Fix This!” website that allows students to submit concerns to the appropriate Student Government entity. (C)

  • Increase co-programming with the Institute of Hispanic and Latino Culture (“La Casita”) to supplement for the recent funding cut. (D)

  • Hold classes to teach students how to use specialized computer programs.

  • Facilitate a discussion between faculty members, professors and students to raise awareness of LGBTQ issues faced in the classroom. (F)


(A) This clearly has Chris Chase written all over it. This is as internal as Internal Cabinet Reform can go and quite frankly, it's an idea I'm sure will be stolen from Chase/Action in the final hours of this campaign. Grade: A

(B) Not to quote one Suzy Liebermann....something along the lines of Chris being too strict was reported to the Alligator upon his resignation/termination under Joyce Medina. While this move will not be a popular one with Swamp-appointed FBK/Greek bureaucrats; it will surely serve student' interests. Grade: A+

(C) This one seems to be more of a Clouston/Jardon/Baker initiative but a very good one. A little on the stale side but as far as accountability goes -- damn good. Grade: B

(D) A nice touch but I don't think this will offset the massive success of Armand's SLB/GE connection. Stilll......it's good to mention La Casita/IBC/ Grade: B-

(E) OMG I think I just orgasmed! THIS concept I love. The idea of Student Leaders allocating money to teach their constituents a skill that might actually be of some use outside -- in the real world. Fuckin Einstein Shit Right Here. Grade: A+ + 10extra credit points.

(F) I WANTED TO SEE THIS FROM DAY 1 w/ ACTION. When we ran ACCESS, Allison Andrews made damn sure that the Y&B paid attention, took care of business. We live in a society where most student have no clue who Matthew Shephard was, they have no clue about the term Transgendered means, we live in a society where people simply do not understand that homosexuality has been with us since the beginning of time, that Gays & Lesbians can be found in every career path, every nationality, every ethnicity, in the Republican Party, the Democratic, etc. We live in such a technologically-modern society where almost everyone can send an email but where millions are still living in ignorance and passing it on to their children, professors passing it on to their students. I like this, I like that ACTION is embracing some REAL LIFE SOCIAL ISSUES and not sticking to the safe agenda ala Swamp. Grade: A+


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