Friday, September 22, 2006

Open Letter

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 19:49:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Christian Duque" [] Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: The Alligator


I'm writing simply to let you know that as a former student senator and an alumni of UF, I find the latest direction of the Independent Florida Alligator appalling and I regard you as one of the worst editors this publication has ever had. You have used the shortcomings of Student Government (a time-honored tradition at your offices) and the stereotypes of IFC/PC Greeks in gross proportions to keep your paper viable. I've read fiery articles attacking every candidate, every party; your paper has surely done more to discourage future student leaders from roles of service than any secret leadership honorary or the status quo could have.

Student Government as an institution provides an invaluable service to the Student Body. Student leaders budget and allocate funds that keep many critical components of Student Life available to all, they represent their constituents, they work behind the scenes, they sacrifice grades, money, and time to serve, to serve in the thankless capacity of cabinet director, senator, committee member, panelist, etc. Your newspaper doesn't care about the $3,000 lost at the Awards Banquet, you just want to make SG look as badly as possible, that is my opinion.

You've attacked one candidate for not being a femenist -- who made you the judges & jury of the Women's Movement? You attack another candidate for the clothes he wears, how superficial is that? Are you also dressing student leaders now? In recent memory, this paper offended large segments of UF's African American community, it was boycotted a couple of years ago by many leaders of the Jewish community, it is considered trash in many fraternity houses across campus, and today you've attacked all four parties under very questionable terms.

What kind of paper is this? What kind of editor are you? I'm sure, as in years past, you get flattered left and right, but I'm graduated and find your leadership to be mediocre-at-best, I lament the direction this publication has taken.

The Alligator was always kind to me, but this new direction is depressing.

Good Day,

Christian Duque
Fmr. Student Senator (ACCESS)

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