Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Playing Devil's Advocate

You know, maybe Nick Capezza has a point, perhaps the former senator/Voice Party co-chair is right to trust in the Boyles camp in giving all students the opportunity to become the next SB Vice President. Still, I'm going to have to play devil's advocate here based solely on three issues that remain proverbial thorns-in-my-side:

1. History - when the Access camp split in three pieces, John Boyles was not a part of either faction (Impact, Progress, or Voice), instead he abandoned all of us and went to greener pastures. Also during the senate run, he was one of the first to be accepted by the Ignite/Innovate bloc, namely by Mike Provenzale and other assbags of that caliber. I don't ever recall identifying with Boyles (at the campaign level or in office). To be honest, I never really identified with Mackenzie either, however, I knew that at certain points of the campaign he was one of us.

2. Florida Blue Key - I don't trust Keys (don't really like most of them either), I never have and probably never will. Anyone elected with a party like Access was and loyal to the party during its initial stages cannot have been tapped unless some sketch-ass deeds were involved. In Mackenzie's case, perhaps his decision to stay quiet (when Voice endorsed) may have been a nice finishing touch for his application, similarly, Boyles abandoning of Ngin and the Yellow & Blue may have been the very collateral required for his buddies to finally get him straightened out. Who knows...I don't trust Keys.

3. Theatrics - aside from shaking hands, writing bills honoring dead faculty members no one's heard of, and/or writing serenades for Glenda, I never thought much of theatrics in politics, much less in SG. That email that Boyles sent out was bullshit...no one checks those spam/chain-letters and second of all anyone that actually read the paper, knows that Boyles personally sought out those he thought were best for the position. The 14 interviewed are not necessarily the real applicant pool. We have no reason to believe that any one of the 14 students that replied to Boyles' email will be selected, we are only led to believe such because of an article and a photo.

***The article clearly states 14 as the number of email recipients that chose to attend the Forum, the article conceals and/or fails to make mention of anyone that the SB President personally sought out (as he stated in earlier articles). I wonder if my esteemed fellow Voice Party colleague realizes this fine detail and whether or not the rest of you do too?

You'll pardon me...but it takes more than an Alligator article to convince Christian Duque. Maybe it's a good thing I've graduated, but a curse I'm still in town.

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