Coming August 2007; Submissions Welcome
I have tried numerous times to reach the current Student Body President. I invited him and Mr. Weiss to a Q&A, neither one of which replied (though E.J. Walicki did and that is greatly appreciated). The couple of times I saw him, there was no sort of introduction, I mean I did endorse his ticket last year and I did deliver some good blows on Unite (mainly due to the MVP buy-out and Jared's System connections). I also applauded his work with course packs, but nothing.
Mr. Moseley reminded me a great deal of my colleague, John Printy, only Mr. Printy's mannerisms were sincere, while those of Mr. Moseley seemed opportunistic and blatantly exerted. I will not elaborate, instead I'll allow the deep-thinkers in here to digest that one. I was insulted and I've emailed him before. This cold-shoulder act, coupled with the edicts of his Press Secretary at censuring people her senior from speaking to blogs, primarily The Radikal have left me beside myself. The ineptness - or complicity of - the Independent Florida Alligator in not reporting the shifting of major blocks in Florida Blue Key and/or of the Moseley/Weiss stand-off or the Sam Green Block only add fuel to the already wild fire spreading throughout the annals of student leadership at the University of Florida.
On the other hand, there are many people that believe Moseley will bring about positive change, that he truly wants to improve Student Government, that he's poised to do great things. While I believe it's critical for students to know who's in power and by what means, I also think it's fair and pertinent to include the other side. I am not looking to go on the offensive, rather, I want to put the spotlight on this truly deserving public servant.
You write on a blog. Why should he answer your pointless emails and give credence to your conspiracy theories. You are way too into SG politics and the workings of an organization of which you are not a member. FBK does not run student government, it is just by chance that many members of Blue Key work in some capacity in student government. SG is a path to getting into Blue Key, not the other way around. However, you probably cannot comprehend this concept and that is why you had an LSAT score fit for the "gifted."
My LSAT score is irrelevant, perhaps had I studied more as I was told to, I'd have gotten a better score. I'll be ok though. And if you truly believed so much in what you say, you'd sign your name beside your ridiculous rant.
The Grapski lawsuit disproves your entire little rant, but otherwise, there is plenty of evidence and the fact that I write with my name and you, you write behind the veil of anonymity. that really screams your point -- right. And the lsat potshot at the end, boy you're just about as credible as they come my man - or - milady...
The Grapski lawsuit didn't prove shit... FBK was sued for having copies made on their copy machine. Get your facts straight before you use a raving lunatic as a reference... and you argue about giving all sides to a story... what a joke.
I do give all sides a chance. I've had Chris Carmody, Brian Aungst, Nina DeJong, JCB, all have been covered on this blog. I've had the current SBT give me a Q&A. I endorsed Swamp over Unite, I have emails from Lydia Washington, Arturo Armand. I've held every GDI party accountable to the same bar, perhaps even expecting MORE , as I have system parties. So you, again, are wrong.
As far as the Grapski case. You're the one that's wrong. The case wasn't solely about about the copies made, what are you a moron? Grapski's extensive knowledge of FBK's control of SG played a key role. You're an ignoramus.
Please keep posting, you're very entertaining.
So what did Grapski know about Blue Key that implicated Blue Key as an organization in controlling SG. Why is the reversal not true, that high ranking SG members are in Blue Key because they are high ranking SG members. You don't ever see one in SG because they are in Blue Key.
Who's kidding who now? You're writing style gives you away.
Wikipedia isn't the most correct resource but it gives a pretty clear view:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Blue_Key (the section on Alumni is actually pretty interesting but also check out the Controversies section...then again all of it is a good read).
The article does not make reference to the "Summer of 1998 when Vice President of Student Affairs, Art Sandeen, conducted hearings into allegations about FBK controlling UF student politics. After the hearings, Sandeen's office made recommendations for organizational reform of FBK." (Gatorpedia)
This is why John Hooker and other FBK leaders try to keep the appearance of FBK being completely seperate from SG.
It's not that they are trying to keep an appearance, I think they really don't care about SG. I'm talking about the leadership of FBK, not the house leaders. The exec board is all grad students; Comiter is focused on internal improvements (which is probably why he got reelected) and Hooker is far removed from SG politics and focusing on stuff like homecoming.
All the "FBK influence" is greek influence. The Mosely/Weiss battle would have gone down the same way, with or without FBK. The real FBK control comes from all you dumb shits who want in so bad you watch your decisions so not to piss certain members off FBK off.
And yet no one has explained the whole Bruce situation to us? How come he didn't get in to FBK if all he did was piss off the Greeks instead of the grad leadership? He was far more qualified than many FBK members I have come across.
While I agree that Comiter and Hooker are good for FBK, the rest of your assessment is off.
Anon 1:00: Getting into FBK and FBK influence over SG are two totally different things...
Well if FBK exec board doesn't care about SG then why should it rule out someone with qualifications like Bruce if all he did was play on the other side during his SG experience?
FBK is an elitist club, they can let whoever they want in. If it only depended on your qualifications then they wouldn't have a vote. Everyone on rec is "qualified" and some of those kids do not get in for whichever reason. I don't even know if Bruce was on Rec.
It's ironically similar to a fraternity. The reason Christian Duque was a Phi Gamma Delta was because the fraternities everyone wants to be in didn't want him for whatever reason. Similar to how FBK doesn't let kids in for various reasons, they can go join Savant or something.
It is ironic how FIJI and PIKE aren't that great down here but are big at FSU (or perhaps I am confused).
So then, what are the power Greek Houses...AEPi and Sig Ep correct? Theta Chi is making waves as well.
1)Theta Chi
2)Tau Epsilon Phi
3.Sigma Phi Epsilon
4)Alpha Epsilon Pi (Not what they used to be.)
1)Alpha Epsilon Phi
2)Zeta Tau Alpha
3)**chirp chirp** (Do the other want to do anything?)
When will the AEPi house be ready anyways? By the time that damned thing is up they will not be a force anymore. Hell, even Chi Phi has a house now.
*chirp chirp* Delta Phi Epsilon...
Not when your girls are getting blocked in Key tapping.
I'm starting to look at Theta funny too...so I'm adding them to *chirp chirp*..props to Ms. Davlantes
Liz Davlantes is a joke of a homecoming chair...shame for that house.
Liz is doing a great job; she has the experience and she's adding new programs. Who are you to judge her?
Apparently the girls of Target Copy need to get a restraining order on Christian.
That was a rather interesting post. Wonder where it went.
Christina Duque is a sad stalking, kangaroo working, depressed hypocrite.
I cannot wait for ryanmmoseley.com
I can't wait for the lawsuit
"Christina Duque is a sad stalking, kangaroo working, depressed hypocrite."
I love it.
Of course you do, because it's true.
Crist did not veto the differential tuition program today. OUR student government lobbied hard for that bill for the past year and a half. Congratulations to them. I believe this is a direct reflection on John Boyles, Ryan Mosely, Jason Lutin, and Daniel Dresher.
2/4 names spelled correctly (or wrong)!
I seriously doubt it had anything to do with SG lobbying. Crist couldn't give one shit about our SG leaders if he has even met with them. It is real lobbist from the schools along with a good amount of phone calls from concerned PACs.
Don't fool yourself, I think SG played a much larger role than you think!
Maybe the FBK alum network but not SG.
actually it seemed more like the fsu network then the UF network. The turning point seemed to be when TK came out saying FSU was freezing enrollment. Crist is a nole after all.
FBK is not directly involved in SG. Let's be honest there are a lot of indirect ties between the Greeks, Indies, cultural communities, and both student government and FBK. Its like a spider web. It's a small community. People expose FBK, but indies have meetings too, indies including Christian endorse people and tickets. That is what happens in FBK. There the secret is out. Groups in FBK endorse certain people. The indies do it all the time, especially on this blog, but apparently it is an honor to be an independent and an abomination to be Greek. This blog attacks the politically powerful instead of telling the politically powerless how they to can become an effective force in SG politics. FBK and the people and groups in FBK are two different things. I can guarantee you from attending several FBK meetings, that there is no SG business on the agenda, neither is it discussed in the executive board meetings.
Its politics. Groups can come together and support whomever want to. Its democracy, its civilization folks, its not a secret.
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