I want to know what pieces of legislation have been introduced by Progress senators since taking office (whether bills passed or failed). Would also like to know what key votes and/or pro/cons Progress senators have been a part of.
Anyone can post here.
Thank You.
When I was attending the only things I remember were resolutions written by Senator Khan. I think you know my feelings on resolutions...especially ones that "support the American worker" (WTF is that and where the heck do you send that resolution)? Dave did some work on his committee, but he didn't actually have to write or present anything if memory serves me correctly.
Writing legislation is surrender.
there has been no language in any bill of law that was written by a member of the progress party:
cynthia kan wrote resolutions expressing the senate's displeasure with all budget cuts, even when they are unavoidable, actually WEAKENING the senate in terms of budget cuts and giving the administration an excuse to ignore us
the brett roth authorization was written only by cavataro
the "compromise" lobby bill was only written by ossip, and approved by schneider as an agent of progress
even the penny tax resolution was, once again, written by cavataro with dave's name slapped on it just to appease the progs...
show me a bill they "wrote", and ill show you a bill someone else wrote and they stuck their name on
Official R&A Committee Results:
Orange and Blue: 100% of applicants seated on committees
Progress: 0% of applicants seated on committees
so much for "political capital"...
Wooten is not a senator! He's not UF student. But worst of all, he has an imaginary friend, aptly named Toto.
I don't know why you glorify this guy so much.
Justin Wooten gets it in one.
Yes Justin, taking action in student government is "surrender." This could be the mantra of Progress: The "Doing something is surrender so we'll just suck off Unite and lash out at Orange and Blue" Party. New t-shirt designs anyone?
All 8 Orange and Blue Party senators have switched allegiances to the Keg Party. Keg is now officially recognized. Progress is not. Keg>progress
Hooray Keg! I believe as a former candidate I am a member at large.
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