Rapes can be reduced if we are alert"
This is the kind of article that Mr. Harwell should have written. A well thought-out, sensitive, and factual article that continues to put emphasis on awareness but also cites previous year crime figures in a way to alleviate those on the verge of becoming franticly filled with fear. I guess one reason I was so outraged at Mr. Harwell's choice of words was the fact that the pea-brain editor over there ran the story in the front page and as if that were not enough, she added insult to injury by placing the article in the friggin' Public Safety column, I mean how stupid is that.
The Alligator is the student paper and should have some kind of social responsibility to the community. They are infamous for writing against the Greeks and have become notorious for raising skepticism in student leadership and at times fullblown distrust in the efficiency of Student Government. For the Alligator to run a socially-irresponsible article in the face of noble and successful operations by AAREST/SG made me literally furious. Good Work SG'ers! Great Job Patrick Barrett
Students are angry and are writing letters. While in SG we wrote and passed several bills involving int'l affairs (including but not limited to the War on Terror). How proper would it be for a senator to pen a resolution condemning the Alligator's direct contradiction of the work of AAREST/SG in trying to thwart the campaign at raising awareness across this campus against sexual-crimes. I applaud Jessica Bronson, a UF Graduate student no less, for taking the time to write to the Aligator and voicing her concerns regarding Mr. Harwell's bizarre article.
Ok...so having had SOE Brian Aungst here last month, this is sort of old news. Still, as an Independent I'd like to address my reactions to this article. I'm hoping to hear from fellow indies Capezza, Argento, Carmody, et. al. The issue of online voting, meaning internet voting is muddled. Yes, I served on an executive commmittee exploring the option, yes I have always rallied for higher voter turnout, but if intranet voting is any preview of internet voting, it shouldn't happen.
The integrity of the ballot remains key. I used to dread hearing that phrase in chambers, I used to imagine driving needles through voodoo dolls hoping that the Innovate/Orange Ignite'ers that would utter it would somehow fall down the steps or something...ah...the memories. Still however, I secretly agreed with them. Many more Indies than might be suspected, oppose Internet voting. People that held high positions in Impact, Progress, Voice, and even the more recent Action Party had substantial reservations.
I have concerns with the court's ruling and I am not sure what means of recourse (e.g. an appeal) are open to students rejected by UF's highest court. Still, the decision is pretty clear and those opposed to it I'm sure are already working on ways to have it overturned.
I insist...the only way to beat the establishment is through a powerful ticket. How can Indies hope to defeat the big boys if they don't even secure their own bloc? Let's see who the GDI's pick for '07, then we can talk some more. As of the Sowell/Puckett/Ngin ticket, NOTHING has come close to that level of quality. Nothing.
1 comment:
The opinion was actually issued on December 21 as an advacne opinion and it was e-mailed to Rosemarie and Tommy Jardon, the two who I assume are "fighting to overturn" the decision. If they are not competent enough to read their E-mail before January 18, it is their own fault.
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