Monday, August 22, 2005

Unity: The Road To Success

With the Fall Semester fast approaching, there's a very real chance to counteract the gains made by the establishment party. Some forty+ seats (46 senate seats) will be up for grabs and once again campaigns will take over Turlington, Reitz, SW, and the various residence halls, so I feel it's 'make-or-break critical' that everyone, not just the party hierarchies, look into the idea of uniting: Impact, Progress, Voice, Iron Fist, Theatre Strike Force, and even some of parties from the pages of history that should seriously consider coming back out, i.e. Student Alliance & Marsh-inspired Keg.

Fall elections are generally lower intensity than Spring ones, however, this election has a real importance. If the opposition can win at least 15-20 of the forty plus seats up for grabs, it will seal our chances of organizing a serious exec. ticket for Spring and it will also give much needed support to independents already in office. There is no reason that if given 15-20 victories that we could not take control of the R&A Committee in Senate with representatives from Impact, Progress, & Voice respectively.

The time to work together is before us and only a United Opposition will defeat the Institutionalist Party.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an old post.