Recorded Last Friday
Now we all know that Charlie Grapski is a genius and most of us, just talkative simpletons but when Grapski spoke about two bedroom houses, with $400-$500 utitlity bills, several flags went up in my head. Most working families wouldn't be able to afford such bills, additionally there would be pandemonium in the streets and there's no such thing going in Alachua, FL. Next I poked around with several folks I speak with regularly from the Alachua scene and even Grapski's own supporters told me that the utility initiative on his platform left them 'uneasy' b/c they didn't feel utility costs were that high. I was also lucky enough to have a friend from the City-side give me several documents (that I ran across GRU) that shed considerable light in the situation.
Now, it's been over three weeks since I've asked members of the Opposition for at least one of these $400-$500 utility bills, given stipulation that these bills cannot include outstanding previous balances, penalties, or other back-charges. On the other hand, Grapski would probably dismiss any sort of transparency or disclosure with me or this blog, b/c he doesn't see either as pertinent to the City and its political scene. However, if the utilities hoax is any indication, Grapski's relevance to the City of Alachua and its political future is pretty much hot air anyway.
Back to class. :)